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Συνέδρια Μηχανικής
Ηλεκτρολογική Μηχανική - XXIIIrd International Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM2018
Armando Ε. - Evolution and future trends in electrical drives measurements
7362 Προβολές
Tsoumas I. - Modulation Techniques for Low Voltage Drives and their System Aspects
4102 Προβολές
Bojoi R. - Evolution and future trends in electrical drives measurements
5557 Προβολές
Ronghai Qu - Design and Analysis of a Water-Cooled Axial Flux Permanent- Magnet Machine for Large...
2254 Προβολές
Floris A. - Design of a Double-Stage Magnetic Gear for High-Speed Electric Propulsion Systems
5274 Προβολές
Verbelen F. - Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Model of a Permanent Magnet Electrical Variable...
2778 Προβολές
Capolino G. A. - ICEM Opening Ceremony
5593 Προβολές
Chasiotis I. - A Practical BLDC Motor Design Procedure for Diver Propulsion Vehicle Applications
5134 Προβολές
Peredo J. - We speak energy. Wind generator technologies & future trends
3827 Προβολές
Hendijanizadeh M. - Comparison of PM and Hybrid Excited Machines for Marine Vessel Hybrid-Electric...
2598 Προβολές
Radulescu M. - Comparative Design Analysis of Three- Phase Switched Reluctance Generators for...
2351 Προβολές
Andonie O. F. - Improved Transverse Flux Directly - Driven Wind PM Generator: Optimal Design with...
3185 Προβολές
Upadhayay P. - Evaluation of Energy Cost Index for an Electric Vehicle Motor over a particular...
2087 Προβολές
Abdi S. - A Light-Weight Rotor Design for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines
5366 Προβολές
Wang Y. - Review on Magnetic Gears: Topologies, Computational Models and Design Aspects
4148 Προβολές
Isfanuti A. S. - Outer-Ferrite- PM-rotor BLAC motor characterization: FEM assisted optimal design
3812 Προβολές
Lehikoinen A. - Performance Open-Source Finite Element Analysis Library for Magnetics in MATLAB
3892 Προβολές
Boy F. - A Non-Conformal Mapping to avoid Mesh Deformation or Remeshing in 2D FEMSimulation of...
3047 Προβολές
Han Sim - Design of Triple 3-Phase PMSM for Ultra-High Speed Elevator Applications
3991 Προβολές
Huong Thao Le Luong - Electromagnetic and Thermal Analysis for an Optimized Wound Rotor...
2693 Προβολές
Germishuizen J. - Stepped versus fixed rotor position FEA solutions for 2D flux linkage maps in...
2636 Προβολές
Nell M. - On the design of a PMSM rotor with ferrite magnets to substitute a rare earth permanent...
2570 Προβολές
Bonneel P., Le Besnerais J. - Pyleecan: an open-source Python object-oriented software for the...
3428 Προβολές
Yang Lu - Design and Analysis of a Water-Cooled Axial Flux Permanent- Magnet Machine for Large...
2248 Προβολές
Benlamine R. - Electromagnetic, Structural and Thermal Analyses of High-Speed PM Machines for...
3255 Προβολές
Staudt Τ. - A comparative investigation of iron loss models for electrical machine design using...
2085 Προβολές
Wymeersch B. - The Effect of Design Considerations on the Synchronization Capability Limits of...
2065 Προβολές
Strangas Ε. - Optimization of PMSM Performance with Torque Ripple Reduction and Loss Considerations
4490 Προβολές
Mohammadi H. - A Data-Driven Approach for Design Knowledge Extraction of Synchronous Reluctance...
2351 Προβολές
Knebl L. - An improved nonlinear analytical model of the PM-assisted synchronous reluctance motor...
2561 Προβολές
Palmieri M. - Mechanical Refinements for the Stress Reduction of High-speed Synchronous Reluctance...
2536 Προβολές
Olivo M. - Curvature Effects on Permanent Magnet Harmonic Losses of Surface-Mounted Permanent...
2423 Προβολές
Terzic Μ. - Analysis of Mutual Flux Linkage in Switched Reluctance Machines
5229 Προβολές
Takorabet N. - Design of Permanent Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motors with Maximum...
2063 Προβολές
Rocca R. - Approach for the Identification of an optimal Design Space for Switched Reluctance...
2751 Προβολές
Roggia S. - Two-dimensional analysis for conical permanent magnet motors
3422 Προβολές
Carpi Τ. - Hybrid Modeling Method of Magnetic Field of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machin
7380 Προβολές
Galfarsoro U. - Stator Teeth Tips Shape Influence in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors on a Test...
3393 Προβολές
Bianchi N. - Direct Analysis of Three- Phase Induction Motors Using Finite Element
5453 Προβολές
Degano M. - Investigation of AC Copper and Iron Losses in High-Speed High-Power Density PMSM
5455 Προβολές
El Refaie A. - Permanent Magnet Vernier Machines: A Review
5819 Προβολές
Madonna V. - On the effects of advanced end-winding cooling on the design and performance of...
2554 Προβολές
Marfoli A. - Mid-Complexity circuital model of Induction motor with rotor cage: A numerical...
3008 Προβολές
Mekahlia A. - Effect of Rotor Bar Number on Performance of Five-Phase Induction Machine for Traction
3105 Προβολές
Nakamura T. - Characterization of a High Speed 24 kW Class Squirrel-cage Induction Motor for...
2621 Προβολές
Nell M. - Efficient Numerical Optimization of Induction Machines by Scaled FE Simulations
3834 Προβολές
Papini F. - Mid-Complexity circuital model of Induction motor with rotor cage: A numerical...
3149 Προβολές
Pauli F. - Overload Capability of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Employing Scaling Laws
3718 Προβολές
Rituper J. - Method to Consider the Slot Opening Effects in Nonlinear Magnetic Equivalent Circuits...
3447 Προβολές
Abramenko V. - Aspects of Direct-On-Line Synchronous Reluctance Motors
5328 Προβολές
Σελίδα 1 από 2